索伦森他们都走了,安琪儿跪了下来,眼泪再次 出眼眶。 这一次…若不是混元天尊,恐怕,他们所有人,都得死,可是…到了最后一刻,她还是舍不得让他死啊。 “为什么哭?反悔了吗?”混元天尊站在安琪儿面前,居高临下地看着她。 “我没有反悔,只是…他把我忘了,不过,我会坚强!因为,只有我坚强起来,传承神灵的力量,才能把他带回来啊!”安琪儿擦干净眼泪,站了起来。 “对了,混元天尊,这次真的多谢你了,要不是你,恐怕…”谱尼走过来,将一只手搭在了混元天尊的肩膀上。 “别跟我套近乎,我不是为了你”混元天尊将谱尼打在他肩膀上的手拍掉。 “不过,你到底是怎么打败圣灵谱尼的?他可是有两条命啊!也太强了吧!”工藤零说 “无可奉告!”混元天尊说 “天尊哥哥,你就告诉我吧!我真的很好奇,你怎么打败圣灵谱尼的?”安琪儿问 “其实,这应该归功于他吧,若不是他自爆削减了圣灵谱尼在战斗中的体力上限,圣灵谱尼的体力就会比我高,而圣灵谱尼的魂印,体力高于对手则必先,我一个技能都开不出来,就会被他活活控死”混元天尊说 “见 忘义,重 轻友”工藤零不 地说,怎么他问就是无可奉告,安琪儿问就回答了? 混元天尊用威胁的眼神看向工藤零,工藤零立刻闭上嘴不再说话。 “他?他是谁?”安琪儿问 “荒神,辛”混元天尊说 “荒神?辛?”众人异口同声地说。 “嗯,是的!就是在战斗一开始出场的那个小怪物,看起来他什么都没做就消散了,其实他是自爆了,牺牲自己,削减了圣灵谱尼体力上限,让我能击败他”混元天尊说 “那…你能留下来帮我们吗?你在的话,索伦森肯定不敢来!”昭蔚洁问 混元天尊摇了摇头说“我还有事情要做,就先走了” 混元天尊张开星辰六翼,飞向天空。 “你们如果想找帮手的话,就去寂远冰川找冰川之主吧!” 混元天尊留下这一句话后就消失了。 …… colors weave into a spire of flame 数不清的颜 彼此 错编织出螺旋的火焰漩涡 distant sparks call to a past still unnamed 遥远的星火呼唤着无名的过往 bear this torch against the cold of the night 擎火炬以御长夜孤寒 search your soul and reawaken the undying light 求索灵魂,再度唤醒不朽之光 … on that day when the sky fell away 那一天,当擎空陷落 our world came to an end 便是世界终焉时刻 in our eyes,did a fading sun rise in the dark 在我们的眼中,黑夜中升起的太 是否也正逐渐黯淡? glimmering shadows 影之中微光明灭 silence grows in the spaces between 在时空的罅隙之中 stretching out beyond time 寂静兀自蔓延 rising up as a chorus of souls find a voice 星星之火,如同灵魂的合唱团找到了声音 flickering through the void 在虚无中摇曳 these little sparks cling on to life 命之灯火不曾减弱 everyone caught in the struggle 光辉给予 途归所 and then the storms of change 暴风呼啸 they fan the flames 煽动火焰 scattering ashes to the wind 灰烬随风飘散 every soul contains a whisper of light 微弱的生命之光芒闪烁 gleaming faintly as it dwindles from sight 不经被无尽的黑暗 没 no escape, no greater fate to be made 奔驰在悠久时空的罅隙 in the end the chains of time will not break 构筑的宿命羁绊在其中 colors weave into a spire of flame 数不清的颜 彼此 错出螺旋的火焰漩涡 distant sparks call to a past still unnamed 遥远的星火呼唤着无名的过往 bear this torch against the cold of the night 擎火炬以御长夜孤寒 search your soul and reawaken the undying light 求索灵魂,再度唤醒不朽之光 … as fate spins a thread without end 穿越过不断的轮回 new life draws it's first breath 新生活 引着人们第一口呼 blossoming in a soil reclaimed from the past 不回首生命立足于大地广阔 where destiny holds fast 寻求自我突破 here where we stand 全力战斗拳刃 锋 hand clenched in hand 无我境地终极巅峰 everyone caught in the struggle 所有人都陷入了挣扎 this is the day we finally find our way 这是我们终于找到自己的一天 stepping into our tomorrow 迈向明天 every soul contains a whisper of light 微弱的生命之光芒闪烁 growing louder as it calls to unite 织出永恒的繁星宇宙 from the distance sings a chorus of souls 一直到悠久彼方的尽头 rising slowly, stirring heat from the coals 将会被灵魂的歌声穿透 colors weave into a spire of flame 数不清的颜 彼此 错编织出螺旋的火焰漩涡 distant sparks call to a past still unnamed 遥远的星火呼唤着无名的过往 bear this torch against the cold of the night 擎火炬以御长夜孤寒 light will guide you on your way to the ultimate fight 光辉会指引你前往最终决战 … every soul contains a whisper of light 微弱的生命之光芒闪烁 growing louder as it calls to unite 织出永恒的繁星宇宙 from the distance sings a chorus of souls 一直到悠久彼方的尽头 rising slowly, stirring heat from the coals 将会被灵魂的歌声穿透 colors weave into a spire of flame 数不清的颜 彼此 错编织出螺旋的火焰漩涡 distant sparks call to a past still unnamed 遥远的星火呼唤着无名的过往 bear this torch against the cold of the night 擎火炬以御长夜孤寒 light will guide you on your way to the ultimate fight 光辉会指引你前往最终决战COMIc5.CoM |